Friday, March 12, 2010

....and They're Off!

The tomatoes sprouted yesterday! First up is Green Grape followed by Peacevine. Running closely behind is Earl's Faux, one of the Tomatillos and just starting to poke through is Black Mountain Pink. I checked this morning and coming on strong are: Black Krim, Tigerella, Cherokee Purple, JD's Special C Tex, Golden Queen, Absinthe and Jaune Flamme. that's 11 out of 33- 1/3rd are up! Same ratio with the Tomatillo- 1 out of 3 are up. Of course I'm staring intently at Goose Creek hoping to see it poke through- nothing yet. I'm also eagerly awaiting Black Cherry- I saved the seeds from last years plant. This is the 2nd year that I have saved seeds. Last year was a huge sucess- I had 100% germination. I only planted 1 seed of each tomato except Black Cherry I planted 2 in the same paper pot. I'm not crazy about cherry tomatoes but love Black Cherry. I'll probably check them 30 times today...

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